Author Submission FAQ


When is the latest submission time on deadline days?

On deadline days submissions will be accepted until 23:59 PST.


Can I submit to ISEA2015 a paper that has already been published or is under review elsewhere?

The short answer is no. We expect to receive original submissions of unpublished work. Now, that being said, it is often the case that a particular publications build on previous ones. What really matters is how much content in your submission has already been submitted of published elsewhere. At least 50% of new content is our cutting line.


Do I need to write a whole paper, or can I just submit an abstract?

We need to receive the full paper. Peer reviewing of the full contribution will ensure the quality of ISEA2015’s academic program. Proceedings will be available online prior to the symposium. The Proceedings are an important outcome for ISEA, which is the main trace of the symposium and contribution to the larger academic and artistic community at large.


What is the minimal length for a long paper?

5 pages (being that a short paper is 4 pages).


Do I need to include both a bibliography and a reference list in my paper?

No, you may select either option that works best for your submission.


If I am writing my paper to be blind for review, do I need to include the author’s biography section?

No, you may keep that section blank until you submit the final camera-ready version of the paper.


When presenting, am I allowed to read my paper?

No. Being that this is a public time for socially engaging with colleagues we ask that you use your creative and performative skills to create a unique and engaging presentation that highlights your work. Proper A/V-based, lively and if possible interactive presentations are expected. The proceedings with the accepted papers will be available prior to the symposium. This means that the attendees do not need the authors to read their submissions, but simply to summarize their contribution and complement the writing with audio, video, speech, and interaction with the delegates in attendance.


Does my paper need to be blind for review?

Optionally so. Each paper will be reviewed by at least three members of the IPC, and the system will not reveal authors’ identity to the reviewers (only Chairs can see that). You can therefore decide to anonymize your submission file (PDF) in order to get double blind review. You can also choose to reveal your identity, if the content of your paper or the nature of your contribution does requires you to do so. ISEA brings together a vast number of sub-communities that have different standards in this respect, so we decided to allow some flexibility in this respect.


If I am a reviewer may I submit an artwork or paper to ISEA2015?

Members of our International Program Committee are welcome to submit their own work to the conference.


Can I read my paper during my oral presentation?

Given that the proceedings will be available online prior to the symposium, people do not need you to read your paper. Instead, it is expected that your presentation will be a concise, well rehearsed and engaging address that present and contextualize your contribution while leaving plenty of time for interaction with delegates.


What is the difference between a workshop and a tutorial?

Workshops are a more formal event that are organized as a mini-academic conference which might include its own call for papers, presentations and demos in order to share content within a specific community.


Tutorials are more informal events that can include courses, interactive exploration events or state of the art presentations.


What is the difference between a Panel and the Round table?

While there is flexibility in the format that Panels and Round tables can take, these can generally be described as follows:


Does the 2 page limit for the presentation include figures/images or the two page limit is based on word count?

The 2 page limit does include figures/ images. However you may also attached additional figures/graphics as an appendix to your submission (there is such an option on our EasyChair submission page).


How do I submit work for a demonstration?

A demonstration requires 2 documents: the Extended Abstract with Demonstration Submission and the Demonstration Form. Word Template OpenOffice Template Demonstration Form


How do I solicit participation for my Workshop/ Tutorial?

While we will help to promote your workshop through the ISEA website, we also ask that you create a website for your Workshop/ Tutorial and seek to promote your event to your appropriate audiences.


Where can I find Institutional Presentations proceedings published for ISEA2014?

Prior Institutional Presentation proceedings have not always been publically published, but you can seach here for prior ISEA work: