Artist Talks: as Demonstrations, Posters, and Presentations

Jody Zellen. Expanding Net Art to Mobile Art
Jaden Hastings. Experimentation as Performance
Robert Lisek. Deciphering Randomness
Agoston Nagy and Bence Samu. Shape Composer
Adam Trowbridge and Jessica Westbrook. polyCopRiotNode_
Milena Szafir and Clarissa Ribeiro. MindRemix [navigational extra-sensorium]
Abbey Hepner. Nuclear Illuminations
Josh Harle. PirateMaps: disruptive WiFi map server on Raspberry Pi
Ana Jofre. Anthropomorphic Objects
David Simons. antiThesis: InnaGadda Detective
Paul Sermon and Charlotte Gould. Artist Talks: Occupy the Screen
Simon Biggs. A Language Apparatus
Dominique Zeltzman. Radical Home: Container as Social Construct, Seducing the Ghost Through the Lens of Performance and Video
Mari Ohno. Acoustic Cluster; Floating Sound; Speaking Clock.
Michaela Davies. Game On; Duty.
Bill Vorn and Louis-Philippe Demers. Inferno, A Participative Robotic Art Performance
Andy Weir. Data Panic
Adam Brown. ReBioGeneSys – Origins of Life
Dominique Zeltzman. Radical Home: Container as Social Construct, Seducing the Ghost Through the Lens of Performance and Video
Maurice Benayoun. Connecting and Disrupting Public Spaces: from the “Tunnel under the Atlantic” to the Open Sky Campus”
Sarah Sweeney. The Forgetting Machine
Byron Rich, Heather Brand and John Wenskovitch. IMMOR(t)AL – Biopolitics, Body Sovereignty, and Scientific Practice
Peter d’Agostino. World-Wide-Walks / between earth, sky & water / ICE – DESERTS
Laleh Mehran. Middle East Politics & The Cube
Helena Lambrechts, Dieter Brusselaers and Benjamin Vandewalle.Proceedings of artistic research project Peri-Sphere: the choreography of the gaze through analog embodiment
Akiko Hatakeyama. Soak
Bruce Charlesworth. RETRACTION: An Interactive Narrative Environment
Allison Moore. Suburban Terrarium; Video Dioramas.
Patrick Lichty. Revivication of an (un)Dead Medium: Experiments in Slow Scan Television and the Open Source SSTV Art Archive.
Benjamin Grosser. Privacy Through Visibility: Disrupting NSA Surveillance With Algorithmically Generated “Scary” Stories
Frederick Ostrenko. [HIVE] High-performance Interactive Visualization & Electroacoustics
Urich Lau. Video Car 3.0
Carole Woodlock and Peter Byrne. Collaboration, change and dislocation: Two Painters reinventing their creative voice through digital entanglement
Claudio Rivera-Seguel. Sonic/Reflection
Kristin Stransky. Common/Myth; FabLinks.
Michael Century Artist Talk ISEA 2015
Amanda Newall and Antti Sakari Saario. The Hoover Diaries
Yael Braha. illUmiNations: Protecting Our Planet
Raivo Kelomees. Conceptualization of audience participation in interactive documentary
Victoria Gibson. Bandwidth: Interactive Installation, an exploration of Integrated Media Art
Agoston Nagy. U-lang
Martin Bricelj and Slavko Glamocanin. DarkStar
Jennifer Weiler. Mushi
Dani Ploeger. Live demonstration of Ascending Performance 2013
Andrew Hugill. Land of Lace
Tracey Benson. Words for Water and Finding Ghosts: Disrupting ideas of place
Gloria R. Gammer. She shows you how.
Anna Davidson and Mark Chang. The Plant Theremin
Maria Papadomanolaki. A certain geography: disrupting site-specific sound through networked performance
Azadeh Emadi. Motion within Motion: pixel, frame, body
Deborah Cornell and Richard Cornell. Dys/onance & Dys/ruption – Collaboration in video, print and sound
Andrea Polli, Erin Fussell and Rachel McCauley. g_olo_g: Choreographing with Networked Mobile Media
Ana Carolina von Hertwig. Unfinished Business
Tatsuya Ishikawa. Where Virtual Image is Formed
Beller Gregory. The Sound Space
Joanna Bonder and Adam Polaczek. Camera Linea
Yun Song and Jong-Soo Choi. Noise
Pirkka Åman, Lukas Kuehne, Matti Niinimäki, Jairo Acosta Lara, Ava Grayson, Karina Jensen, Narim Lee, Sébastien Piquemal and Taavi Varm. Passio Musicae Open Source – Interactive Sonification of the Sibelius Monument
Marten Berkman. Remote Sensibility: the ecology of perception
Michael Krzyzaniak and Garth Paine. Kiki
Catalina Cortazar Valdes. Search Behind the Scenes
Thomas Defrantz. The Weight of Ideas: Demonstration of Kinect Interface
Tatsuo Unemi and Daniel Bisig. Visual Liquidizer or Virtual Merge
Matteo Crivella. Resonating Rotation of a Rigid Body
Abhishek Narula. Kinetic Voices: A Tangible Musical Experience
Peter Bosch and Simone Simons. Mirlitones, a physical and sensorial sonic experience
Stefhan Caddick. Gulliver
Kalman Tarr, Yung Ki Lee and Pui Yee Leong. RUDEbot
Birgitta Cappelen, Anders-Petter Andersson and Fredrik Olofsson. Polly – Disruptive Changes of Practises, Expressions and Experiences
Jacek Smolicki. On-going project: on tactical archiving of one’s life via digital instruments
Cynthia Naggar. They watched the sea! (ills ont regardé la mer!)
Tomas Laurenzo and Christian Clark. Barcelona
Jaden Hastings. x0 Planet; Echoes of Alakiwohoch.
Sherman Finch. Symphonic Infinitum 2015
Philip Galanter. Xepa – Autonomous Intelligent Light And Sound Sculptures That Improvise Group Performances
Denis Farley. Tracking the unseen
Nipesh Palat Narayanan, Girish Chandran and Jhanu Chanthar. Selfie of an Indian City
Colin Ives. Work in Progress —The Sinuous Index
Jessica Arseneau. Walking A Cappella
Christopher Coleman. 3D scanning, Animation and VR – the Mediums of METRO: Re/De-construction
Judith Doyle. GestureLab: Workshop as Case Study
Kate Macdonald and Les Sears. Disrupt! Light Interventions in Public Spaces
Jennifer Mawby. @Xcerpt – an experimental social media narrative project
Ben Lacker. New Interfaces for Data-Driven Musical Interaction
Margaret Dolinsky and Ed Dambik. Hardwired
Kelly Dobson, Mengyu Chen, Rebecca Conrad, Samuel Galison, Akiko Hatakeyama, Cho-Tao Huang and Xin Liu. The Energy Propagated
Nancy Lee and Kiran Bhumber. Pendula
Harshit Agrawal. Creating New Ways of Experiencing and Expressing Poetry
Jim Bizzocchi, Arne Eigenfeldt, Miles Thorogood, Matt Horrigan, Jianyu Fan, Le Fang and Justine Bizzocchi. Seasons: A generative audio-visual experience
Joel Ong. Forced Intimacy & The Post-Immersive, Parametric Soundscape
Ann Morrison. Vibrotactile Language: Bi-directional Interaction between a Vibrotactile wearable vest and a Vibroacoustic Humming Wall
Hye Rim Lee. Black Rose Lucid Dream work in progress
Suzi Webster. Electric Heart
Cecile Le Prado. The Listening Walker/ Interactive Sound Walk in a Virtual City
Julia Litman-Cleper and Alex Cruse. Unraveling Augmentation: Imaginal Biological Architectures and their encounter with Digital Information Processing
Sasha de Koninck. Garments for Uncomfortable Social Situations
Linda Kronman, Andreas Zingerle and Ushi Reiter. Behind the smart world – analyzing 22 hard drives from a West African e-waste dump
Peter Hassall, Yulius Yulius and Omnia Amin. Dynamic Kaleidoscope of World Languages in Dubai
Elke Reinhuber. The decisive moment in mythology (Part 1: What if Orpheus …?)
Alexander Thumm. Pallas of Vines: Branched and Nested Relationships in Video Game Performance and Play
Nicole Clouston. Artist as Researcher: Knowledge at the intersection of art and science
Sheryl Oring. I Wish to Say
Josephine Starrs and Leon Cmielewski. The Future Is Unmanned
Claudia Pederson and Nicholas Knouf. Art for Spooks
Mike Hornblow. O’megaVille: excursions in planetary urbanism
Laurel Terlesky and Laurel Terlesky. Intersubjectivity of Touch through the installation project, Hallowed Winds
Erin Smith. Growables
Donna Szoke. New Work, or, Automatic Control and Utopian Media Devices
Zane Cerpina, Julija Spicina and Stahl Stenslie. Earth Cancer
Lisa Seidenberg. Sky Is Not The Limit
Meredith Tromble. Dance Vortex: Work-in-Progress
Francois-Joseph Lapointe. Big Data / Big Problem (The Making of “Artist’s Shit 2.0”)
Gary Craig Hobbs. We Come In Peace
Brook Pearson and Nathan Fabian. Imaginary Cities: Graffito Series α
Karla Brunet. ThalassoGlitch. Disruption on the oceans and data bending
Marie Lelouche, Antoine Barlet and Cécile Picard-Limpens. I Am Walking In: an interactive sound installation that makes listening to space
Eric Smallwood. The Octava Project: Reimagining Concerts in the Moment
Eva Sjuve. Metopia
Colleen Ludwig. Pod.Field
Margaret Dolinsky and Roger Hangarter. The Leaf as Artistic Easel: Painting with Chloroplasts
Aina Braxton and Kaylin Norman-Slack. Movement and Sound: a Pathway to Increasing Immersion in Digital Environments
Rebekah Blesing. Mined Intervention
Jesse Jackson and Luke Stern. Marching Cubes Made Physical
Erik Zepka. Artist Talk Proposal
Sujan Shrestha. Visual composition with shapes and lines in a three-dimensional perspective
Sarah Lahti. Decoration as a Form of Disruption
Austin Stewart. Second Livestock 
Davis & Davis. Hauling Ice