FAQ: Artist Talks, Poster, and Demonstration Sessions


We recommend that authors arrive in Vancouver on August 13th to be ready for the start of workshop and tutorials, and the art program on the 14th. We also recommend that authors stay in town until the 19th to attend the entire symposium, and even up to 23rd to enjoy Vancouver to the fullest and our post-symposium program.


Yes. In order to present your poster / demo /Artist Talk you need to be registered to Symposium. [Link to Registration Page will be added soon]


Unfortunately, no.

As you might know, and mostly due to its unique nomadic nature, ISEA relies almost entirely on the investments from its attendees, and in-kind support from its community. ISEA does not have any funding capacity per se, and is run mostly by volunteers.

However, while we are not able to cover travel costs, nor registration costs, for attendees we can provide you with a formal letter of acceptance, that can help securing funding with national and international institutions of your choice. Email your request to isea-mirjana@sfu.ca

Finally, there is a volunteer program: Volunteer Application


The category you submitted to is called that, but our CFP makes clear that these can be presented in three ways. CFP

After careful examination of the submission, these were divided into three categories: Talks, Demonstration, and Posters. Talks are 10mins, while demo and poster are grouped in 1.5 hours sessions.

We think you will be better off with the Chairs’ choice, but please email isea2015-info@sfu.ca if that is a deal breaker. Add your submission number in the subject of your email.


Each talk will be up to 10 minutes long (inclusive of Q&A) and will take place in a room equipped with one video projector, and a stereo sound system. There will be maximum 9 talks per session.

We recommend preparing a 7mins talk, and using 3mins for Q&A

In addition, we ask that you send a PDF version of your slides.Add links to video material  in it if you wish, as the room/building is equipped with a good internet connection.



Each poster will be displayed in a 1.5 hours long session in a shared room. There will be 10-20 posters on display per session. Each poster will have its own designated space. We will send details on poster formats in a few weeks.

Authors will need to stay next to their poster and present it to the audience during their session.

Poster sessions are convivial, and a great way to engage with many attendees, and get visibility, feedback, and generate interest for your work.



All demonstrations assigned to a demonstration  session will be displayed in a large room  during a 1.5 hr long session, simultaneously.

The form can be found here:


Please do not upload it as a new submission, but keep the same submission number instead.




NOTE: Please make sure that  you have read information that we sent in the follow-up email. Some relevant info is there. If you still have questions, feel free to address them to: isea2015-mirjana@sfu.ca